Flower Tour Branding

Georgetown Main Street needed comprehensive branding and marketing for their inaugural Flower Tour, an event encouraging community members to build a bouquet by visiting local businesses. I aimed to create a brand that embodied a sense of fun and youthfulness while reflecting the elegance of Georgetown, specifically tailored to a female audience as the event coincided with Mother’s Day weekend. After establishing the logo and brand guidelines, I developed all digital and print assets for the event, including Eventbrite banners, Instagram posts, and story templates. Additionally, I designed a bi-fold booklet featuring a custom map with event stops and an empty bouquet on the back for participants to track their progress—each store providing a flower sticker as guests stopped by. Posters and table tents were distributed to participating businesses for event promotion. Upon collecting all 12 stickers, participants redeemed their bouquet along with a branded gift tag. The Flower Tour was a huge success and is highly anticipated for 2024. 


Watergate 600